ServiceNow Impact
Rebecca WettemannITSM, ServiceNow, EX, CX, employee experience, customer experience, ROI, value, IT/business alignment, business case, digital transformation
ServiceNow ESG Solutions
Rebecca WettemannServiceNow, ESG Solution, Environmental Social and governance, sustainability, visibility, value, trust, ESG management and Reporting Platform, ESG Operational Control Solution, ServiceNow Product Portfolio Management, governance risk and compliance, GRC, Valoir View, Valoir, industry news
Valoir's Predictions for 2021
Rebecca WettemannPredictions 2021, Valoir Insight Brief, Valoir, people, technology, value, employee experience, EX, customer experience, CX, AI, artificial intelligence, user interface, UI, user experience, remote work, HR, human resources, work-life balance, workforce engagement, Zoom, virtual engagement technology, productivity monitoring tools, labor mobility, human capital management, HCM, CDP, customer data platform, CRM, customer relationship mangement, contact center, cloud, regulation, innovation